The power of the mind shouldn’t be underestimated. We take a look at some tricks to boost your grey matter.
The power of the mind shouldn’t be underestimated . We take a look at some tricks to boost your grey matter.
We all know the mind can be a highly effective tool in helping to boost your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. And, the benefits of de-stressing through relaxation and meditation techniques are well documented, but there are many other ways in which we can use the power of our minds to our advantage. Here we speak to a number of leading holistic health experts for their top tips on how to make the most of your grey matter…
Virtualisation: For health
Dr Roy Martina ( ) author, doctor of medicine and developer of Omega Healing, explains how to use ‘virtualization’ to boost your health…
What’s the theory?
“In my 30 years of holistic practice, I have used an array of techniques based on holistic concepts: herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, immune therapy, flower essences, nutritional and vitamin therapy and much more,” says Dr Roy Martina. “But nothing beats the power of the mind – something that conventional medicine discards as placebo effect. So, I would like to share with you a powerful metaphorical exercise that I refer to as virtualization (creating your own virtual reality).”
Here’s how to do it:
Before you go to sleep, spend a few minutes creating the following image in your mind. Imagine that your bed has turned into a crystal healing and rejuvenation device. While you breathe slowly, imagine that this futuristic crystal machine is emitting all the colours of the rainbow and special healing frequencies which balance all the energies and organs in your body.
Imagine first being a tree with roots going deep into the earth, all the way to the hot lava core (the magma). This hot core becomes like a vacuum cleaner: imagine feeling this vacuum cleaner sucking up all the toxins, stress, limiting beliefs, painful incidents, negative thoughts and any sick and exhausted cells out of your body. Feel them leaving your body.
Then, this hot centre transforms all of this into positive healing energy that comes back to you, activating young dormant stem cells into vital healthy happy cells. Feel this in your body and see a vision of you waking up the next day feeling refreshed, vital, younger and happier. Relax and fall asleep peacefully while the rainbows open your heart to feel gratitude for being you.
The heart opener: For love
Love coach Cate Mackenzie ( ) offers the following exercise to help bring more love into your life
What’s the theory?
“Many of us choose to believe that we are unlovable or that we’re simply not good enough,” says Cate Mackenzie. “In reality each of us was born as love and we exist as love, although we don’t often feel this inside. It’s necessary to build the capacity for love and success so you’ll be ready for the big moment when it arrives.”
Here’s how to do it:
Use this simple technique to open your heart and begin to live the magical love-filled life you desire. Hold out your hands and imagine a ball of white light resting in your palms. Picture yourself in this ball with a beloved partner feeling calm, happy, loving and peaceful.
Continue this until you strongly connect with these emotions, then repeat the affirmation: “I am a magnet for love. Love is within me, around me, before me and above me. I am love.” Then pull the ball into your heart. The key to this work is repetition as this exercise reprogrammes the mind to believe in love and allows your dreams to be manifested through your heart.
The magnet visualisation: For energy
Art Giser, creator of Energetic NLP, ( ) a powerful blend of transformational energy techniques and NLP, has a useful tip on energising and maintaining your energy field
What’s the theory?
“We absorb energy from other people, which leaves us feeling physically tired, indecisive, emotional or worse,” explains Art Giser. “Clearing your energy field regularly promotes better health and vitality resulting in happier emotional and psychological states, renewed energy and zest. The following exercise, called the magnet visualisation, is simple and effective and can be done in just a minute. Use this process when you feel tired or overwhelmed, when you first wake up and before you go to sleep.”
Here’s how to do it:
• Imagine a large magnet; at least 6ft tall, 20 feet in front of you.
• Imagine it gently and powerfully pulling other people’s energies out of your energy field and into the magnet.
• Let the magnet drop into the centre of the earth.
• Repeat the exercise with a magnet behind you (lots of energy is hidden behind your back). Then, once again, drop it into the earth.
• Repeat with a magnet high above you, and again drop it into the earth.
• Repeat with a magnet below you.
• Imagine a gold ball of energy over your head.
• Let it cleanse and shower you with gold energy in and around your body.
• Allow any excess gold energy to flow into the ground.
• Do this simple process often and you will be amazed at how much better you feel!
Future life progression: For clarity
Natural psychic Anne Jirsch explains how to discover clarity and direction through the use of Future Life Progression ( )
What’s the theory?
“Using your mind to see into your future can help you make better decisions, discover which direction to go, where to find love or just about anything else you can think of,” says Anne Jirsch. “To discover two major highlights for your month ahead try this exercise by either getting a friend to talk you through it or by recording it onto a CD and listening at your leisure.”
Here’s how to do it:
Get comfortable and take a few deep breaths in and out. Release any negative thoughts and feelings on the out-breath and allow in any knowledge you’ll need to know with the in-breath. Imagine that a white light is all around you, surrounding and protecting you.
Next, imagine that you are standing in front of an elevator. When the doors open, step inside and notice that the buttons are marked with the months of the year. Press the button for the month you are interested in. As the lift rises upwards notice that you are moving forward in time.
When it stops, the doors open and you step out. You see two doors in front of you. Open the door to the left and step inside, saying to yourself: “This is the first highlight of my month.” Notice what immediately comes to mind or the feelings you experience.
Repeat the process with the right door to reveal your second highlight. Go with your first impressions. Don’t make yourself feel or see anything – simply allow the feelings or visions to form.
To close down and ground yourself, allow your breathing to become regular. Feel the white light slowing drawing back and out into the universe. Finally, imagine reconnecting with your everyday life. Feel your feet firmly on the ground and your body feeling strong.
Contagious thinking: For happiness
David Hamilton, ( , bestselling author and speaker, gives us an insight into the concept of contagious thinking
What’s the theory?
“New research shows that just about anything you think, feel and do is actually contagious,” says David Hamilton. “So focus your mind on what you want to spread. Is it happiness? Is it kindness? Or is it healthy behaviours? Because what you focus on will ultimately change you, and these changes will filter out and change others. Be the source of change today.”
Here’s how to do it:
Start your day with a happy thought; spend five minutes thinking of several things that make you happy. As long as you are feeling happy inside you will be radiating happiness out from you. New Harvard research shows that happiness is contagious. When you feel happy you cause others to be happy around you. Have you ever noticed a happy person in a room making others happier?
One of the reasons this happens is because of a part of the brain that holds cells called mirror neurons. They copy the facial expressions of people around you, reproducing the same expressions and emotions in you. This is why you smile when you see someone smiling.
So, focus on something, or someone, that makes you happy every hour or two. It only takes a few seconds. Do it until you find yourself smiling. Then you will literally infect your friends, family, and colleagues with a better mood, or at the very least a smile!
10 steps to positivity
“The power of the mind can be a phenomenal aid to helping anyone who wants to radiate more confidence and attract success,” explains author, counsellor, therapist and life coach, Lynda Field ( ). “One of the most important aspects of attracting good things into your life is to make sure you are feeling as upbeat as you possibly can be. Cognitive therapy demonstrates how positive thinking changes the quality of our feelings and the effectiveness of our actions.”
Here are Lynda’s top tips to boost your confidence and create a positive outlook.
Believe in yourself even when you have made a mistake.
Keep your sense of humour.
Look for the silver lining in every challenging situation.
Use positive affirmations to help you to change any negative beliefs.
Stop trying to be perfect. This quest is futile so let it go; you are good enough just as you are.
Focus on what really brings you joy and satisfaction; a meaningful life is a happy life.
Forgive yourself and others. Letting go of past hurts and regrets will bring you a wonderful new sense of calm and peace.
Be the change you seek – decide to go for your dreams and take that first step towards your goal.
Get creative – this simply means recognising your own skills and talents and then using them.
Stop trying to keep everyone happy. This is an impossible task which will only decrease your self-esteem.
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