When it comes to your health, especially immunity and immune system function, having the right balance of bacteria in your body is essential, but understanding the complexities of gut health can be a challenge to get your head around.
Probiotics (helpful micro-organisms that are crucial to good digestion ) and prebiotics (substances that provide ‘food’ for your probiotics ) are now globally recognised as being vital for a healthy gut, whether they are provided by your diet or supplementation.
But how does this help to support your immune system and why is a healthy gut so important?
Here to join us for a cup of tea and a chat about all things gut-health is Tara Barton, CEO of supplement brand Birch & Wilde . Tara is a qualified nutritionist, member of the CMA and has more than five year’s experience in the nutrition and supplement industry.
Tara Burton is the CEO and founder of supplement brand Birch & Wilde
What is the gut immunity axis?
The gut-immunity axis refers directly to the connection between your gut function and your immune system. There are many connections between these two areas, as you will see below, and therefore the health and good function of one directly impacts the other.
Inflammation and probiotic adherence
High levels of systemic inflammation caused by your immune system being activated can increase the level of inflammation in your gut. A high level of inflammation in your gut can slow probiotic uptake (adherence), meaning many probiotics may simply pass through your body unused.
In reverse, a high level of inflammation in the gut can be caused by a lack of probiotics. And this can increase systemic inflammation, which then affects your immunity.
A great way to prevent this scenario is to first start taking a probiotic supplement. Then you can quickly start to introduce a diet that is rich in natural anti-inflammatory foods (like summer berries, oily fish, avocado, green tea, peppers and broccoli). This dual action approach supports both areas, helping them to re-balance, reduce the impact on each other and can significantly improve health in the long run.
Immunity directly from your gut
Did you know that over 70 percent of your immunity originates from your gut in one way or another? So gut health and a well-balanced diet are essential for a strong immune system. Your gut also determines the ‘education’ your immune cells receive.
A diet that is not good for your gut health (highly-processed foods, a lot of alcohol, high sugar intake) therefore directly impacts your immune system function. It can even lead to chronic diseases.
However, simply ensuring you eat plenty of fruit and veg (lots of varieties too) and a good level of fibre each day, provides enough prebiotic food for your probiotics to be well looked after. This can safeguard health in the long run.
No room for harmful pathogens
Pathogens, such as yeast, parasites or harmful bacteria, in your gut, can only thrive when there is room to do so. This can occur after a course of antibiotics which can be very disruptive to the healthy probiotic balance of your gut. However, it can also be the result of other factors like stress or a nutrient-poor diet.
Lactobacillus acidophilus (found in Birch & Wilde’s Immunity Complex with Probiotic) is particularly useful at preventing these detrimental organisms from ‘parking’ themselves where they are not wanted. Studies have shown that this strain of probiotic was particularly effective against infections of the urinary tract, vagina and gut.
Good nutrient absorption, ensuring that your body can use nutrients properly, is essential for your immune system to function well. Nearly all nutrients have a role to play in immunity. However, the main ones are vitamin C, zinc, selenium, B vitamins and vitamin D. You will find all of these (and more!) in Birch & Wilde’s Immunity Complex with added Probiotic .
Probiotics help with the absorption of nutrients by producing a substance called short chain fatty acids. These are used directly by the cells of your gut wall for good function and repair. Keeping your gut cells healthy is essential for absorbing all the nutrients your immune system needs.
Probiotics also produce some of these nutrients, helping boost levels in your body. Studies have shown that Lactobacillus Acidophilus can significantly improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals across the gut, which is why it is added to Birch & Wilde’s Immunity Complex, helping to make it super effective.
Influences the development of immune cells
Probiotics have a direct influence on the gut wall, and on a path of tissue called the Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). The GALT is where immune cells are stored until they are needed.
Immune cells include cells called T and B lymphocytes which help to fight infections. Your T cells are particularly important for maintaining the balance between immunity, autoimmunity and allergic responses.
Often, individuals with autoimmunity or allergies are found to have an unbalanced ratio of the many different types of T cells. A review concluded that probiotics such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus can help promote the balance of these immune cells and is particularly useful to those with allergies.
For more information, or to shop the Birch & Wilde’s supplement range, visit the website .