Acupuncture occupies an important place in the world of natural therapies.
Extremely popular for a whole host of health issues, those tiny needles can offer amazing results, and no, it doesn’t hurt. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture principles, when you’re healthy, your body energy flow known as Qi (pronounced “chee”) is strong and flows smoothly. If it becomes weak, or if there are blockages in its flow, you can begin to experience poor health. “When you see a Naturopathic Acupuncturist, their first job will be to determine the state of your Qi – they do this with careful questioning and examination. They will also use a special method of pulse-taking to help with the assessment,” explains acupuncture lecturer and author Neil Kingham. Tiny needles, about the width of a hair, are gently inserted into specific points on the body in order to stimulate sensory nerves in the skin and muscles to correct your Qi imbalances. “You may begin to notice an effect immediately, but a course of treatment is needed in order to make a really significant and lasting difference.”
Acupuncture is recognised as an effective treatment for chronic pain, with migraines commonly treated with this natural therapy. Amanda Hair, an acupuncture lecturer at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, says that in one study, patients suffering from chronic headaches (80 percent with migraines) were given 12 sessions of acupuncture over three months. This resulted in 34 percent fewer headache days, 15 percent less medication, 15 percent fewer days off work and 25 percent fewer GP visits after one year.
TCM is based on the understanding that the mind affects the body, and the body affects the mind. “Stress is extremely common and can be the catalyst for significant health problems,” says Neil. It weakens the immune system, contributes to early ageing and increases the possibility of heart issues. “It, therefore, makes sense to look at natural therapies, such as acupuncture, which has a very long tradition of safety and efficacy in addition to modern scientific backing.”
Discover the benefits for yourself. CNM’s Diploma course in acupuncture provides high-quality acupuncture training that equips graduates to build successful practices. The course allows students to develop their confidence and acupuncture skills – including 400 clinical hours – and reach their full potential as professionals.
Find out more: 01342 410505,
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