Try these mantras and spiritual treatments from world-renowned coach, Louise L Hay, to give you guidance and self-empowerment
Try these mantras and spiritual treatments from world-renowned coach, Louise L Hay, to give you guidance and self-empowerment
When we feel like victims we tend to isolate ourselves. We feel pain and fear and we are always looking for someone else to save us. By connecting to our inner self and believing in our own ability we can improve our lives drastically. We have within us a tremendous capacity to make positive changes in our lives. It’s wonderfully liberating! Try the following techniques and mantras when you want to find your inner strength and overcome obstacles :
Your subconscious mind does not know true from false or right from wrong. You never want to say something like, “Oh stupid old me,” because your subconscious mind will pick up on it; and after you say it for a while, you begin to feel that way. You begin to believe what you are saying. Don’t joke about yourself, deprecate yourself, or make derogatory comments about life, because that is not going to create good experiences for you.
“In order to reprogramme the subconscious mind, you need to relax the body. Release the tension. Let the emotions go. Think good things about yourself.”
When you refuse to forgive, you hold on to the past and it is impossible for you to be in the present. It is only when you are in the present that you can create your future. There is a tremendous sense of freedom that comes with forgiveness. Often you need to forgive yourself for putting up with painful experiences and not loving yourself enough to move away from those experiences. So love yourself, forgive yourself, forgive others and be in the moment. See the old bitterness and the old pain just roll off your shoulders as you let the doors of your heart wide open.
When you come from a space of love, you are always safe.
Forgive yourself.
Forgive all the past experiences.
You are free.
“We do not have to know how to forgive. All we have to do is be willing to forgive. The universe will take care of the how”
Affirm the following:
I am spirit, light, energy, vibration, colour and love.
I am so much more that I give myself credit for. I am connected with every person on the planet and with all of life.
I see myself healthy, whole, and living in a society where it is safe for me to be who I am and for all of us to love one another.
I hold this vision for myself and for all of us, for it is a time of healing and making whole.
I am part of the whole.
I am one with all life.
And so it is.
“We can either destroy the planet, or we can heal it. It is up to us individually. We need to sit down every day and and send some loving, healing energy to the planet.
If someone threw a hot potato at you, what would you do with it?
Would you catch it?
Would you hold it while it was burning your hand?
Why don’t you just step out of the way?
It is possible to refuse anything, even a gift.
Are you aware of that?
Your free will to do what you know is right.
“Some people don’t know how to say no. Know that it is okay to say no to those things you don’t feel right about. Trust yourself.”
Look deep within the centre of your heart and find that tiny pinpoint of brilliantly coloured light. It is such a beautiful colour. It is the very centre of your love and healing energy.
Watch as your pinpoint of light begins to pulsate and grow until it fills your heart.
Let it move through your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
You are absolutely glowing with this beautiful coloured light, which is your love and healing energy. Let your body vibrate with this light.
You can even say to yourself: “With every breath I take I’m getting healthier and healthier.” Feel the light cleansing your body of dis-ease.
“If we don’t make internal changes, the ‘dis-ease’ either comes back or we create another ‘dis-ease’. We can learn to heal ourselves.”
Article by
Louise Hay
Louise L Hay is the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life and has sold more than 50 million books worldwide. For more than 25 years, she...
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Article by
Louise Hay
Louise L Hay is the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life and has sold more than 50 million books worldwide. For more than 25 years, she...
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