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We find our spiritual practices in many places these days from Buddhist chanting to ecstatic dance. Our places of worship have changed with new outlets in the form of yoga studios and mindfulness apps. Our holidays can take us on temple tours and to ancient pyramids where we can feel a deep connection that we can’t explain.
There is so much to absorb from all kinds of beliefs systems and I have been lucky enough to learn to experience and participate in many of them. Although the best teacher of all for me has been nature itself. And when better than spring to feel the renewal of all things positive and hopeful, when life itself is replenishing?
This is truly my favourite time of year when all seems possible. The trees are recovered from their winter starkness with leaves, buds and the promise of more to come. The crops are taking root in the fields, flowers bloom and the animals give birth to the next generation.
Why not take this opportunity to renew your own spiritual practices? Start listening to the birdsong and bless the harmony in their beautiful music. Take an early morning walk barefoot in dew-laden grass and feel the energy of the earth. Hug your favourite tree and connect with its strength and power. And, most of all, express your gratitude to the daily gifts we receive from nature. Follow your inner wisdom and you will naturally resonate towards what your body and soul are most needing.
For some, it will be more silence through meditation, for others, it will be vibrating with the energy of group chanting. You may find you will benefit from a combination of both, together with the physical experiences of yoga, ecstatic dance or the ancient Chinese art of Qi Gong, a mind-body-spirit practice which has been recognised for thousands of years as a powerful way of improving your mental and physical health. Be open to all and you will instinctively know what works for you.
April is a time of birth and rebirth which is particularly relevant to me as it is the month I was born. Birthdays are always a good time to feel gratitude for the wonderful things that have come my way in the last year, as well as a time to look forward to all that this next year will bring. And as a searcher, this is the time I like to renew my spiritual beliefs too as well as plant my seeds for the year.
Like many of us, my spiritual beliefs, values and vision are all linked together and as we base our life on integrity, compassion, gratitude and love, we bring these into our daily life through our work, our community and our commitment to contributing to a positive future for all.
Living in rural Somerset as I do, it becomes so noticeable when all things in nature start to bloom again. And as the land, the trees and the animals become full of new life, it is such a perfect time to take a look at our own spiritual rebirth.
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