In part one of a two-part series, Emma Cannon helps us delve into our true purpose and create some new rules
The world outside is opening up, but the rules have all changed and it would be foolish to imagine that things will ever be quite the same again. This is not to say that everything is always getting worse, or that we cannot once again create joyful and meaningful lives. More that we need to create new codes for living.
Now, more than ever I am finding myself coming back to my five pillars of FERTILE as a way to navigate my life and to support those who seek guidance. To be fertile is to be rich in resources, fruitful, prolific and abundant. But we must now extend this outside of the small ME and into the WE. We must seek abundance for all and not just the few.
This month we will cover flexibility and creativity and in next month’s column nourishment, transformation and trust.
This is a time to let go of control and allow for more flexibility in our lives, the energy is still changeable and in flux. The wise person will keep their plans fluid and flexible.
Think more in terms of VISION for your life; envisage a world you would like to live in. What qualities do you wish to see more of in the world? Fairness, equality, peace, love, compassion? Whatever it is, cultivate these qualities within yourself. We must remember and wake up to the oneness of our true nature. We are not separate from other living beings and this myth of separation is behind so much of the pain that exists in the world.
It is time for us to become sovereigns of our own life. By that I mean living a heart-led life. This requires that we have the courage to show up as our authentic self and take full responsibility for our actions. This is not a time to look for external affirmation of our worth, or to look to others to save us. This is about accepting ownership of yourself and bringing that to the wider community in service of something greater than you.
My father taught me that we all have an innate gift, a uniqueness, and it is our duty to bring our gifts to the world and to be fully responsible. By shining our light into the world, we allow others to do this too. This is living through our creativity.
An invitation
Think about these two pillars over the coming weeks. Perhaps start a journal and begin to envisage the world in a new way. You could make a mood board with images and words that resonate with your vision. Then think about your qualities; what is it that people say about you? Really become these qualities. If people say you are a kind person, really bring kindness into everything you do. Become these qualities and shine them into the world. These qualities will become your superpowers.
Emma Cannon is an integrated women’s health expert, registered acupuncturist and author. Check out more of Emma’s fantastic work at