Author and podcaster Mel Wells talks to Natural Health magazine about manifestation, falling in love with yoga and showing up for yourself when you need it the most
I started the podcast Love, Sex & Magic because during Covid, I realised that we have the power to create change in the world and wake others up. I figured I could use my voice so much more than I had been. I have so many friends and connections who are doing incredible work in the world, so I wanted to interview them and share them with my community. I’ve absolutely loved being a podcaster so far. I always thought having one would feel stressful, but I have enjoyed every second of it.
As soon as I realised I had tools and teachings that could help another woman change her life, I knew this was my purpose. Learning, growing and sharing with other women fills me up, and I get so much joy out of being able to inspire women to create change in their lives. I couldn’t think of anything else I’d rather do.
To me, when something is aligning with my life, I feel like my mind, body and soul are all saying yes! I don’t need to convince or persuade myself to get on board with it. It’s just a feeling of yes. I also know when something is in alignment because I’ll often consider my ‘Future Self’. If it feels like a match for her, then it’s a yes!
To people struggling with self-care and self-love, I would say to them, start with daily acts of kindness and care towards yourself. Go for a walk. Clean out your wardrobe. Prioritise sleep and rest and have an early night. Take a bath. Cook a delicious meal. And, most importantly, take your time. Honour your needs and your boundaries. These small acts really add up when you do them consistently. Love is a doing word at the end of the day.
If you’re not unsure whether or not manifestation could work for you, look at the reality you’re living in. Everything in your life is a result of your mindset, your habits, your beliefs and your environment. You manifested that for yourself. Consciously manifesting is just being aware of this, and doing the mindset work to upgrade all of these things so that our life feels more like how we want it to feel. Just think, ‘what do I want to create?’ and ‘who do I need to become in order for that thing to be a match in my life?’
I’m a big believer in balancing your (feminine and masculine) yin and yang energies. Yin and yang can’t exist alone, they co-exist together in the eternal dance of the universe. It’s the same with masculine and feminine energies, but we’ve been so used to a masculinised world (both for men and for women) that we’ve repressed or denied our feminine traits. Reclaiming our feminine energy is about embodying our true power as a woman. That way we can have more intimacy in relationships, a deeper connection to life and greater confidence.
I love yoga, I wish I did it more! I started yoga 11 years ago when I was 19. At the time I thought Bikram Yoga might help me lose weight. I got hooked and ended up going every day. Then when I had to move cities, I couldn’t find a Bikram class, so I ended up doing regular hot yoga. I loved the softness and the flow so much, I found myself going for clarity and wellness rather than just weight loss. I felt so connected to myself. That was the start of my spiritual journey.
Mel’s podcast Love, Sex & Magic is avaliable to download on Acast, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube. Find out more about Mel and her work at
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