The benefits of yoga go far beyond flexibility and mobility
For centuries yoga has been considered a workout for the mind, body and soul. Michelle Brewster wellness coach and founder of SupaChick shares five health benefits you may not have realised…
1. Boosts circulation and immunity
By practising yoga, you are not only training your body to adopt postures and learn sequences, but you are also taking control of your breathing. The correlation between movement and breathing aids the circulation of blood flow, which in turn improves your internal organ functions and boosts your body’s immune system – leaving you fit as a fiddle.
The key pose: Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar)
This eight pose sequence will generate great circulation and an increased but controlled breathing rate.
2. Increase your sexual libido
There is both a mental and a physical relationship between yoga and sexual libido . The mental process of controlling your breathing whilst practising yoga will improve your sexual performance. The physical movement involved to achieve the desired pose will increase blood flow to the genital area and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, also known as the Mula Bandha. An increased circulation of blood flow will also heighten the level of sexual arousal, and so through yoga you can increase your libido and fire up your sex life.
The key pose: Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana)
This pose is a great hip opener, strengthens your inner thighs and stimulates your pelvic floor muscles.
3. Relieves stress and anxiety
Yoga is known as a relaxing activity and those feelings of contentment and satisfaction go far beyond the practice itself. Yoga helps you to find a physical, mental and emotional balance which can reduce underlying levels of stress and anxiety. The mind-body practice of yoga which combines posture, meditation and breathing can lower blood pressure and restore a healthy resting heart rate.
The key pose: Corpse pose (Shavasana)
This pose will allow the body to regroup, relax and reset itself.
4. Promotes better posture, balance and body awareness
Yoga teaches you how to hold and control your body in a healthier position. The more you practise, the more you will see your balance and body awareness improve outside of the exercise. In a yoga class, you are coached to make small, subtle adjustments to improve your body alignment – this can lead to an improved posture in the long run. In doing so, it will increase the level of comfort you have in your own body, and lead to greater self-confidence.
The key pose: Tree pose (Vriksasana)
This pose will improve your sense of balance, body awareness and postural control.
5. Speeds up the hangover recovery process
Following a night out on the town, or even just one too many glasses of vino, yoga may well be the last thing on your mind. However, it is a proven way to increase the metabolism and detoxify your entire system. Poses such as the ‘Fish’ and ‘Shoulderstand’ work on stimulating the thyroid gland, improving metabolism and allowing you to recover more quickly from a hangover. The right yoga routine will also cleanse your body as a detoxifying yoga sequence can squeeze out toxins, ease digestion and build lean muscle mass.
The key pose: Seated twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
This pose will cleanse your body by stimulating the liver, kidneys and digestive tract.
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