From a professional massage to home diffusers and your own first aid box, the healing power of essential oils should never be underestimated, says Sue Taylor…
From a professional massage to home diffusers and your own first aid box, the healing power of essential oils should never be underestimated, says Sue Taylor…
Rolling blue lavender fields, the scent of flowers and herbs, a feeling of warmth and comfort… No, I’m not in the South of France, but lying comfortably on a massage couch having an aromatherapy treatment, as the subtle fragrances evoke memories of relaxation and past holidays.
Modern day life can be a massive strain – and yet we often take it for granted that we are surrounded by an abundance of healing plants and flowers, full of living energy that could ease our ailments. Aromatherapy works on our energy centres, or chakras; helping us physically, mentally and spiritually. It’s not a replacement for traditional medicine, nor the latest Hollywood fad, but a natural and complementary remedy that has been around since ancient times. It can bring our system back in balance and stimulate our body to heal itself and maintain a sense of wellbeing, by helping to improve symptoms of illness such as an upset tummy, frequent urination, difficulty sleeping and so on as your body could be detoxing. These should start to disappear within 24-48 hours.
Aromatherapy massage works in several ways. The aroma from the oils has a special, mood-enhancing effect, but the touch of the therapist is an extremely important factor too, as the treatment enables a wonderful connection of energy between him or her and the subject. Afterwards, as with any complementary treatment, you should stick to a healthy diet, drink plenty of water to flush toxins and take it easy for 24 hours. Advice about the healing process should be provided by your therapist, who will explain that there may be some side effects such as an upset tummy, frequent urination, difficulty sleeping and so on as your body could be detoxing. These should start to disappear within 24-48 hours.
Scents of health
An alternative way to experience the healing effect of aromatherapy oils is to use a diffuser at home. These act like a natural air freshener or deodoriser but can also help to change the atmosphere in a room. For example, a little lemon or grapefruit oil may help you feel refreshed and alert. When having a meal with someone special, on the other hand, use a few drops of jasmine or rose oil; the subtle odour in the background will act like an aphrodisiac. In fact, Cleopatra was said to have had the sails of her barge soaked in rose oil so that Mark Anthony would sense her arrival – romance, quite literally, was in the air!
A trained aromatherapist will be able to offer advice on specific blends of oils – they should be of good quality, and carefully selected to suit the needs of the individual.
2 drops of grapefruit essential oil (or lemon/orange)
2 drops of geranium essential oil (lightly floral yet fresh aromas)
2 drops of basil essential oil (also known as tulsi, it’s the sacred plant of Hindus and used in Ayurvedic medicine)
20ml of a suitable base oil such as almond or grapeseed. Mix with the essential oils. (Never use essential oils undiluted.)
Sue Taylor is a holistic practitioner, healer and teacher. Since completing training with The School of Natural Health Sciences ( ), she has been running her practice, Soul Delights Reiki Centre and Holistic Therapies ( ) based in Kent.
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